Thursday, January 13, 2011

Torque Android App

A while ago I posted some of the best Android apps. This one I thought was so good I'm giving it, it's own post. It's called Torque, basically it reads your cars on-board diagnostics via blue-tooth. It will read error codes and turn off the check engine light. You do need a blue-tooth dongle that will plug into your car, any US car made after 1996 should work. You can find the dongles on eBay for about 20-30 bucks. It also displays all kinds of gauges that you pick out and put on your phone. It allows you to monitor all kinds of your cars info without buying and trying to fit more gauges in your car. There is a paid and free version. The paid version is 5 bucks and obviously has more features, but the free version has plenty to try it out with. It appears that the bigger the screen you have the more gauges you can put on. I'm maxed out with 8 on my Ally. If you have one with a 4" screen you could probably put on 10 or 12 maybe. I believe it supports the Android tablets, I saw a Dell Streak running it that had tons of gauges and graphs. A 10" tablet would be amazing, especially the upcoming Motorola Xoom, which I want more than anything.  Go give it a try!

I'm not really sure why there's a "tear" in the picture. It's never done it before and I couldn't get it to stop.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Body Kit For Chevy Malibu

This doesn't really have to do with anything. I just thought this looked bad ass and want to put it on my Malibu.

Must Have Apps For Your Android

Now that the Android platform of smart phones and more recently tablet pc's, has obviously rocketed into popularity what are some of the must have apps? It can be hard to find apps you want with an app market breaking 30,000 of the little buggers. So I have compiled a list of app I've found useful on my LG Ally with Android 2.1., Although mines slightly modified.
  1. Set CPU (for rooted devices) allow you to tweak your CPU giving your phone the ability to perform faster, but be careful increase it to much and you will generate kernel panic. Which will cause your phone to reboot.
  2. Widgetsoid is probably the coolest app I've seen so far. It allows you to create custom shortcuts to your apps, just like holding it and placing it, but much much more control and personalization. I highly recommend it and better yet its free.
  3. Tunee Music is basically a torrent for your phone. Just search any artist or song and it will find it 99% of the time with absolutely no charges to install or download music.
  4. Superuser (for rooted devices) is what allows Set CPU to make its changes and its a must have for rooted devices.
  5. Skyfire is a web browser that allows you to view almost any flash video for those of us without the fancy flash enabled phones. It pops up a link to the video whenever it detects one, sends the info to somewhere not really sure where, and sends it back to your phone in a format it will play.
  6. Shazam identifies songs and tell you all the artist and song info very handy and a very popular app.
  7. Ringdroid allows you to take a song or a part of a song from your phone and makes it a ringtone, alert, or notification, for people who don't like the stock sounds.
  8. Pandora is pretty self explanatory just the mobile app take your internet radio anywhere.
  9. ROM Manager is another must have for rooted users. If you want to flash custom roms and make backup roms.
  10. MixZing is a media player app, I find it much better than the factory Android one. It finds album art, and artist info, even lets you change the ID tags (on the paid version) to the correct song info. Even has a nifty equalizer.
  11. Fandango is a very popular app as well find all the movies playing in your area. Buy tickets from your phone and see showing times.
  12. iMobsters is a fun game. Basically its Mafia Wars for your phone.
  13. Facebook app enough said.
  14. Ebay app is very useful if your on ebay a lot, buy and sell.
  15. Barnacle Wifi Tether (for rooted devices) allows you to use your phone a wifi hotspot. Well sorta it sends out an ad-hoc net work instead of your normal wifi. So if your computer won't recognize an ad-hoc network your sol, but if yours does then great!
So that's my list of must have apps for your Android devices. As I find more I'm sure I'll make another post about the subject. Now go try those apps out!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Was Cursive Useless?

Doesn't it seem like cursive was useless to learn. Back in 3rd - 4th grade we were told that we needed to learn cursive it was important, that we would be using it every day. I was told in 6th grade that once we hit high school everything we wrote would be in cursive. Yeah right I can probably count on 1 hand that number of times I've had to use cursive. The only time you really have to is to sign your name and it doesn't even have to be good. 99% of the stuff I wrote in high school was regular print and not good print at that. If cursive is so important why don't we have cursive letters on our keyboards, and they type in cursive as the default?

I'd like to thank the schools for making me learn more useless shit that I will never use ever again in my life. It goes nicely with the other 95% of the stuff I was spoon feed and shoved down my throat for no other reason than that the people of the school board thought it was necessary. People who don't even know whats helpful because they haven't been in school since the 60's. It's all just to please everyone the school board, the parents, everyone but the people who actually matter the students.

I'm not saying school is useless and doesn't have it's place, it does. We need to be able to be taught about engineering and water purification and so forth. I'm talking about the other shit that is completely useless. Who cares what a compound adverb is? You don't need to know what is it to write a good story or book. Teach us the basics and let us explore that's how we will really learn.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

WTF Kids Bop

I saw a Kids Bop commercial on TV today, what the hell? Who the fuck thought this would be a good idea? It's a terrible idea. A bunch of little kids who can't sing butchering songs. How did they ever get the licensing to do the songs? They just need to stop. If I was a recording artist and saw my music on there I would be pissed, I'd fuck shit up. It wasn't even cool like 10 years ago when it came out. No little kid has ever wanted that shit. It's never been cool and never will be.

James Dean & The Curse

So everyone has heard of James Dean. The movie star heart throb that was to fast to live and to young to die, but ended up dieing at 24. He only made about 3 big movies but his impact in America is still felt. However his death is shrouded curses, "black magic", and malevolent presences. I won't get into his whole life story, instead I'll skip to the last moments of his life. The focus of this post is going to be about his silver Porsche 550 Spyder. 

The car which he fondly called "Little Bastard". It was one of only 90 ever made and Porsche's first production model race car. It had a 1.5 liter flat four with dual overhead camshafts and 110hp, but in a car that weighs just 1510lbs due to its hand formed aluminum body and tube chassis, it makes for one fast car. Many people around James had bad feelings about the little car. There were also warnings and irony's weeks before the crash. 2 weeks before James was doing a National Safety Council commercial, a commercial in which he said, "Remember, drive safely, the life you save might be mine." Which he changed form the life you save may be your own. There was also about 4 different times on the day of his death that he was warned of his speed, he also had gotten a ticket earlier that day for speeding. Dean's friend Eartha Kitt who went with a drive with Dean a week before the accident had said this to the young star. "James, I don't like this car, It's going to kill you." About the same time he met fellow actor Alec Guinness upon which Dean asked his opinion on the car. Guinness had said he thought It looked sinister, and if James got in it he would be dead within a week. A week before the crash he gave away a kitten the Liz Taylor had given him on the set of Giant. Why? Had he felt what was going to happen? Some think that the car had a malevolent spirit in it from the get go, some think it was just a horrible accident, others think it had to do with black magic. Some say James had a prior relationship with Maila Nurmi the actress on Vampira and after breaking off their relationship she had put a curse on him. It was known that she was in to black magic and she didn't like that he denied their relationship if the had one. The other story goes that she left a note on his windshield that said "How can you be in such an awful looking thing." No matter how you look at it the series of events after that crash are pretty strange. On the day of the crash James was on his way to a race with a Life camera crew in tow. He had originally planned to tow the silver Porsche to the race, but at the last moment decided to drive it there, in order to help familiarize himself with the car. While on his way there at about 3:30 is when he got the speeding ticket. However this didn't stop the young star from straying over the speed limit. After the ticket he told Hickman and Roth the part of his crew in the station wagon behind him to meet him at a place called Rolf at Paso Robles. Upon reaching Rolf's Dean ate an apple and drank a coke, his last meal. Hickman again warned Dean to slow down and watch his speed and that with his car being silver and so low profile it was hard to see on the road. They soon departed some say Dean was going in excess of 100mph others say it was about 55. Never the less at 5:30pm  he came to the crossing of highway 466 and 41. The spot had been known to be dangerous. A 1950 Ford Tudor driven by student Donald Turnupseed on his way home was making a left hand turn and needed to turn across the road. James also saw the car upon which seeing he said "That guy has to stop." However he didn't and turned across Dean's path. The Ford was struck in the fender with relative damage but the 1500 pound speedster hit it and flipped 49 feet into the air. Wutherich Dean's co-rider and mechanic was flung from the car and suffered a broken jaw and leg, but survived. Turnupseed Suffered non life threatening injuries. James however was not so lucky the small speedster was crush like a tin can around him pinning him inside. He suffered a broken neck, concussion, fractures of the upper an lower jaw, and massive internal bleeding. Although some think he survived only horribly disfigured, these are probably the same people who think that Elvis is frying donuts in Kansas. And was later pronounced dead at Paso Robles hospital. This wasn't the end of the cars death bringing and injury. After the accident car customizer George Barris bought the wreck for $2500. He had a bad feeling about the car from the start. This started the cars killing spree. While at Barris's garage the engine fell out of the car falling onto the mechanics legs breaking them. While at a race in Pomona Fair Grounds on October 24, 1956 two physicians who had parts of Deans car in their race cars both suffered severe crashes. Troy Mchenry whose car had the Porsche's engine lost control and crashed and hit a tree. He died upon impact. William Eschrid whose car had the Porsche's drive shaft crashed but despite serious injury survived. He later said the the car just locked up going into a turn. A kid trying to take the Porsche's steering wheel suffered a gash on his arm. A young man who bought two tires from the car had them both blow out within a week almost killing him. Barris then sent the car for display with the California Highway Patrol. Within days the building housing the wreck burned down with everything in it except the little bastard. The car was then put on display in Sacramento where it fell from its display and broke a teenagers hip. George Barkis who was hauling the Porsche was killed when his truck crashed sending him flying out of his truck but that didn't kill him, what killed him is that the Porsche fell on him after he flew out of his truck. Accidents surrounded the car until 1960 when on its way back from Miami it was sealed in a container. Upon arriving in California the seal was still intact but the car had dis-appeared from the container. It hasn't been discovered still. There's a rumor that in late 1960 the car was taken to Altus, Oklahoma where it sits today in a container with its title, but no one knows for sure.

Keanu Reeves Is Immortal?

I've seen this around the net so I thought I'd elaborate on it a little bit. Isn't weird Keanu Reeves looks the same now as he did in Bill and Ted 22 years ago? Here's some pictures to show what I'm talking about.

Bill and Ted 1989

And in 2010
Looks like he did over 20 years ago huh. Either he has one badass plastic surgeon or he's immortal. Other celebrities would kill for the secret to his non-aging. I mean how does he do it? You gotta admit it's pretty amazing that he doesn't even look a little older. Here's the real kicker. There was a french actor Paul Mounet who lived from 1847-1922. He died under unusual circumstances and no body was ever found. To make things even more strange they have a connection. Reeves was born in Beirut, Lebanon which has had strong ties to Europe through out history, but most of all France. The same country Mounet is from, and in 1920 just 2 years before the death of Mounet the Ottoman Empire dissolved leaving Lebanon under French control. Did Mounet "Reeves" flee to America to continue acting under a new name? To show what I'm talking about heres some pictures.



Erie isn't it?

Wild Pacman

Kinda creepy isn't it?