I've seen this around the net so I thought I'd elaborate on it a little bit. Isn't weird Keanu Reeves looks the same now as he did in Bill and Ted 22 years ago? Here's some pictures to show what I'm talking about.
Bill and Ted 1989
And in 2010
Looks like he did over 20 years ago huh. Either he has one badass plastic surgeon or he's immortal. Other celebrities would kill for the secret to his non-aging. I mean how does he do it? You gotta admit it's pretty amazing that he doesn't even look a little older. Here's the real kicker. There was a french actor Paul Mounet who lived from 1847-1922. He died under unusual circumstances and no body was ever found. To make things even more strange they have a connection. Reeves was born in Beirut, Lebanon which has had strong ties to Europe through out history, but most of all France. The same country Mounet is from, and in 1920 just 2 years before the death of Mounet the Ottoman Empire dissolved leaving Lebanon under French control. Did Mounet "Reeves" flee to America to continue acting under a new name? To show what I'm talking about heres some pictures.
Erie isn't it?
Mr. Keanu Reeves is not inmortal. He is Dorian Gray!!!
ReplyDeleteand many people more...whe are Dorians Gray!!!